- 相關推薦
累犯 recidivist; incurable criminal
勒緊褲帶 tighten one's belt
累進稅率 progressive tax rate
冷板凳 cold stool; an indifferent post or a cold reception; cool one's heels
冷門 ark horse; a profession, trade or branch of learning that receives little attention; an unexpected winner
冷遇 cold reception; indifferent treatment
冷戰(zhàn)思維 Cold War mentality
離岸價格 free on board(FOB)
離岸金融市場 offshore market
籬笆墻 barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trading
理財 arrange the finance;money management
力挫 defeat with utmost effort
立等可取服務 instant service; on-the-spot service
立法真空 legislation vacuum
利改稅 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
力爭上游 strive for the best; aim high
立國之本 the foundation underlying all efforts to build the country
利好因素 wrinkle
理貨公司 tally company
利基 niche
離經叛道 rebel against the orthodoxy
理論與實際相結合 integrade theory with practice
禮尚往來 courtesy calls for reciprocity; courtesy demands reciprocity
歷史遺產 historical heritage;legacy of history
歷史遺留下來的問題 roblem left over by history; an issue rooted in history
利稅分流 payment of the tax plus a percentage of profits to the state
理順經濟秩序 straighten out the economic order
力所能及 within one's power;to the bes of one's ability( capacity)
立體電視 three-dimensional television
立體開放口岸 trading port open to sea, land and air
立體農業(yè) three-dimensional agriculture
立體式報道 an in-depth and comprehensive report
立體思考 three-dimensional thinking
立體戰(zhàn)爭 three-dimensional war
離退辦 office for the affairs of the retired workers
離退休人員基本養(yǎng)老金 basic pensions for retirees
禮儀小姐 ritual girl
禮儀小姐 guiding girl
立于不敗之地 be in an invincible position;remain invincible
聯(lián)產承包責任制 system of contracted responsibility linkin
馬術:Equestrian 英語詞匯07-04