- P(gun)]
}4(19978¿})Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power _____of energy.
(A) for renewable sources
(B) the sources are renewable
(C) are renewable sources
(D) renewable sources
@ӵɑ(yng)ԓwind and solar power____ of energyUnlike fossil fuelsʾ^Z(y)which(do)ďľwhich can be used only oncefossil fuels҂4(g)x(xing)քeɵĿոУ(A) wind and solar power for renewable sources of energyx(xing)A](mi)Z(y)](mi)^Y(ji)(gu)(B) wind and solar power the sources are renewable of energy@@Ҳܘ(gu)һ(g)xľӡ(C) wind and solar power are renewable sources of energy@(g)x(xing)m?yn)^Rȫ~sourcesY(ji)β~Z(y)of energy(D) wind and solar power renewable sources of energy@@Ҳܘ(gu)һ(g)^Y(ji)(gu)_C?
}5(19978¿})Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth's land surface.
(A) about two-thirds populated
(B) the population is about two-thirds
(C) about two-thirds of the population
(D) of about two-thirds the population is
ȣӽY(ji)(gu)(j)ӵĴ⣬(dng)~live(yng)ԓ^Z(y)(dng)~ոđ(yng)ԓǾӵZ(y)a very small percentage ofthe Earth's land surface҂(jin)@(g)ó_____ live on the Earth's land surfaceո(ni)(yng)ԓ~~Z(y)4(g)x(xing)УֻC@~Z(y)ҲϾx(xing)AеpopulatedՓZ(y)߀^Z(y)Ͼx(xing)BDǎ(dng)~^Y(ji)(gu)(dng)ȻֻȱZ(y)ľС_C?
}6(19978¿})Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Robert's Rules of Order, _____during meetings.
(A) and avoid large decision-making organizations' procedural confusion
(B) large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusion
(C) is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizations
(D) are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations
҂followingԺոǰӵijɷ֡еestablished by the book Robert's Rules of Orderfor speaking and votingthe guidelineԣ҂Ԍոǰijɷֺ(jin)followin
Z(y)(f)(x) ~04-30
Z(y)(f)(x)ʮ ~04-30
Z(y)(f)(x)ʮߣ ~04-30
Z(y)(f)(x)ʮ ~04-30