
Do you know a good restaurant?知道哪家餐館

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Do you know a good restaurant?知道哪家餐館好?

  Do you know a good restaurant?


  A Do you know a good restaurant?

  A 你知道哪家餐館好嗎?

  B In Beijing? Yes, lots! What kind of restaurant?

  B 在北京?啊,那太多了。什么樣的餐館?

  A We'd like to try Shanghai cuisine. Do you know a good place?

  A 我們想嘗嘗上海菜。你知道哪里好嗎?

  B Well, there's a very good restaurant in the Kunlun Hotel. It specializes In Shanghai food.

  B 哦,在昆侖飯店有一家好餐館。專營上海菜。

  A Good. We'll try that! Where is the Kunlun Hotel?

  A 好,我們就去那里看看。昆侖飯店在哪里?

  B It's best to take a taxi. It's not far.

  B 最好乘出租車去。離這里不遠(yuǎn)。

  Notes 注釋

  1 You can ask about something or find out information by starting a question with: Do you know . . . ? / Do you know . . .? e.g.: Do you know a good restaurant? / Do you know a good restaurant?; Do you know where I can get a taxi? / Do you know where I can get a taxi?; Do you know the way to the airport? / Do you know the way to the airport?

  要詢問某事或者找到相關(guān)的信息,你可以這樣問:Do you know . . . ? /你知道…嗎?例如:Do you know a good restaurant? / 你知道哪家餐館好嗎?; Do you know where I can get a taxi? / 你知道我在哪里能打到出租車嗎?; Do you know the way to the airport? / 你知道去機(jī)場的路嗎?

  2 If you want to ask about something specifically, you can start by asking: What kind of . . . ? / What kind of . . .? e.g.: What kind of restaurant? / What kind of restaurant? ; What kind of food do you like? / What kind of food do you like?

  如果你要詢問某事的具體情況,你可以這樣問:What kind of . . . ? / 什么樣的. . .? 例如: What kind of restaurant? / 什么樣的餐館? ; What kind of food do you like? / 你喜歡什么樣的食物?

  3 If you would like to do something, you begin by saying: I would like to . . . / I would like to . . . ; We would like to . . . / we would like to . . . You can make this shorter by saying I'd / I'd; We'd / We'd: e.g.: We'd like to try Shanghai cuisine / We'd like to try Shanghai cuisine.

  如果你想做某事,你可以這樣說:I wou

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