- 相關(guān)推薦
慧慧坐在公園的長椅上看著Nathan在公園里慢跑…Nathan開始做zigzag, 前進(jìn)…
Hui : Nathan,跑步不好好跑,又搞什么花活呢?
Nathan: 什么叫不好好跑,I figure that I should work on some vital running skills like weaving and dodging.
Hui : ??
Nathan在公園小路上weaving and dodging…
hui : weaving and dogging? 不會是織布和養(yǎng)狗吧?可這跟橄欖球有什么關(guān)聯(lián)呢?還是又是我搞錯了?不行,我得問問…
Hui : Nathan, 你剛才說什么weaving and dogging, 怎么練習(xí)橄欖球還跟什么織布、養(yǎng)狗的攙和在一塊兒?
Nathan: ?Ah, I said weaving and dodging. 不是dogging.
Hui: dodging? 哦,dodge 是躲閃的意思。所以你說的dodging就是橄欖球運(yùn)動員在場上左右躲閃對方防守的練習(xí).
Nathan: right. When another player tries to tackle me I need to be able to move out of his way quickly. That’s what dodging is.
Hui: Oh, like dodging the bullet right?
Nathan: uh huh, in fact dodging the bullet is a special expression that means to narrowly avoid trouble.
Hui : 原來dodging the bullet是指的幸免一難的意思,可不要望文生義,理解為躲什么子彈。
Nathan: right. For example, he should have been punished for what he did, but he dodging the bullet somehow.
Hui : 嗯,上次Nathan很不情愿地被邀請參加橄欖球比賽,但賽后居然沒有受傷,我是不是也可以說:Nathan dodged the bullet in the last rugby match
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