
新目標(biāo)英語Go for it八年級下Unit 10教案

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新目標(biāo)英語(Go for it)八年級下Unit 10教案

  Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?(Book 2) The Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands 1.  Knowledge and Ability Objects (1)Key vocabulary: Franklin Lake; noon (2)Key structures: ---It’s really cold today, isn’t it? ---Yes, it is .I hope the bus comes soon. (3)Train students` ability of listening and speaking. (4) Train students` ability of communication. 2. Method Objects in Teaching (1)Listening and speaking methods. (2)Communicative approach 3. Enable students to understand the feeling of others in communication. Teaching Key Points 1.  Key phrases; by noon ; on the weekend 2.  Master the structures in Grammar Focus. Teaching Difficulty Make conversations using the target language in Grammar Focus. Teaching Aids A tape recorder. A computer Teaching Procedures StepⅠ Greetings and revision Greet the as usual and check the homework .Ask students to show their written work. StepⅡ New words Show the new words on the Bb and teach the words.   Franklin Lake 富蘭克林湖 noon  中午       StepⅢ 2a  2a provides guided listening practice using the target language. First write successful and unsuccessful on the blackboard. T: Do you know what the meaning of the word successful is? S1: Yes .I think it means having done well. T: Great .What about the word unsuccessful? Ss: We are not sure. T: It means not successful. Clear? Ss: Yes. T: To have successful small talks, both people need to ask questions. Now listen to the three conversations. Are they examples of successful small talks? Write “s” or “u” in the blanks. Play the tape for the first time .Students only listens. Then play it a second time .This time students write “s” or “u” in the blanks. Check the answers. Answers: Conversation 2: u Conversation 3: s StepⅣ 2b T: Listen to conversation 3 again. Put the sentences and questions in order .First I’ll ask different students to read the lines of conversation to you .The sample answer “f” is given. This is the opening line of the conversation. Play the tape .Ask students to write the letter of each sentence from the conversation in the correct place. Check the answers. Answers:  1. f 2.b 3.e 4.a 5.d 6.c 7.g StepⅤ 2c Pair work This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. T: First I’ll ask a pair of students to read the conversation in 2b. Sa: Yes. It always rains on the weekend, doesn’t? Sb: Yes. It rains every Saturday. Sa: Do you think it’ll stop by noon? Sb: I hope so .I want to go swimming. Sa: Oh? Where do you swim? Sb: At Franklin lake . Sa: Do you ever go there? (Write two phrases and a sentence on the blackboard: On the weekend; by noon; I hope so) T: In the conversation, there are two important phrases and a key structure. Please look at the blackboard, on the weekend means on Sunday and I hope so means I hope it will stop by noon. Please remember them .Now practice the conversation in pairs. (After a while) T: OK. Now it’s your turn to make your own small talks. You can use the questions in the box. As students are talking to each other, move around the classroom checking their work .In the end ask several pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations to the class. Sample conversation: A: It’s really cold today, isn’t it? B: Yes, it is .The No. 15 bus stops here, doesn’t it? A: Yes it does. I hope the bus comes soon .I must go to school on time. B:I hope so . StepⅥ Grammar Focus Look at the Grammar Focus box .Ask students to read the questions and answers. Ask students to copy the three sets of questions and answers in their exercise books. Then show the following on the screen.   It’s really windy today, isn’t it? Yes, it is. You’re Ben’s sister, aren’t you? Yes, I am The No.15 bus stops here, doesn’t? Yes, it does           T: Look at the sentences. According to the tag questions, can you see how to give the correct Yes or No short answers to go with each question? Ss: Yes. T: Can you give me some examples? S2: He is a good student, isn’t he? S3: Li Ping likes music, doesn’t he? T: Right. Can you think of a small talk question that ends with don’t you? S4: You take this bus, don’t you? T: That’s correct. And what answers could you give? No…. S5: No, I don’t. T: Correct. And Yes …. S6: Yes I do. T: That’s correct .Very good. Write the students` words on the blackboard and ask students to practice a lot. StepⅦ Grammar Note Point out that tag questions are a simple, direct way to start a conversation. Because tag questions ask for a short answer (Yes, I do .No, it isn’t.), they are easy to answer and give two people who don’t know each other a comfortable way to start talking. StepⅧ Summary T: This class we’ve learnt what one should say to start a small talk. I hope  you can start a with strangers. n this way you can practice your  spoken English and make a lot of friends. StepⅨ Homework T: Tape record yourselves as you read your conversations for 2c.            

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