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Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your kind words and such a warm welcome.
William and I are hugely excited to be in Malaysia – this, our first ever visit – and areabsolutely delighted to have been invited to join you all here at Hospis Malaysia.
It is so exciting to learn about the Country’s very first paediatric palliative care programme andto witness for myself something of the wonderful work of Hospis Malaysia’s superb staff.
As Patron of East Anglia Children’s Hospice, a UK-based charity, I am thrilled to hear that youhave been working with Hospis Malaysia, and that you plan to collaborate as you roll out thisnew programme.
Through this Patronage, I have learnt that delivering the best possible palliative care to childrenis vital. Providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement ata time of great need is simply life changing. With effective palliative care lives can betransformed. Treatment, support, care and advice can provide a lifeline to families at a time ofgreat need.
This is a very special place and so much is already being achieved. It has been wonderfulmeeting the patients, families and all the staff here – you have given us the most wonderfulwelcome.
Thank you again for inviting us here – and all the very best to this exciting new initiative!