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見面會 meet-and-greet
簡明新聞 news in brief
減輕農(nóng)民負擔 reduce farmers' burdens; lighten the burden on farmers
建設公債 public bonds for construction
建設社會主義的物質(zhì)文明和精神文明 build a socialist civilization that is advanced culturally and ideologically, as well as materially; promote socialist material progress and socialist culture and ideology
建設社會主義法治國家 build a socialist country under the rule of law
建設穩(wěn)產(chǎn)高產(chǎn)基本農(nóng)田 make primary farmland capable of producing stable, high yields.
建設有中國特色的社會主義 build a socialist country under the rule of law build socialism with Chinese characteristics
監(jiān)事會 board of inspectors
減速玻璃(汽車) decelerating glass
薦賢舉能 recommend the virtuous and the able
減刑 have one's sentence commuted
減員增效 downsize staffs and improve efficiency
減災 disaster reduction; disaster mitigation; reduce damages caused by disaster
艦載飛機 carrier-borne aircraft; carrier aircraft
簡政放權 streamline administration and delegate power; streamline administration and institute decentralization
建筑面積 floorage; floor space
堅持正確的政治方向 pursue a correct political direction
堅定信心,扎實工作,旗幟鮮明,毫無動搖 enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth
講誠信,反欺詐: honor credibility and oppose cheating
僵化思想 ossified thinking
將軍肚 general's belly; beer belly
獎勵工資制度 a bonus wages system; a system of higher pay for better performance
降落傘候選人,外來候選人(應召而來參加本人非所在地區(qū)競選的政黨候選人) parachute candidate
江南水鄉(xiāng) the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River
講排場,擺闊氣 waste and extravagance
講求實效 stress practical results; strive for practical results