- 相關(guān)推薦
Text A
81. Google’s eyeglA sses A re supposed to __B__.
A improve our memory
B function like memory
C help us see fA ces better
D work like smA rt phones
82. A ccording to the pA ssA ge, “cognitive hA bits” refers to __A __.
A how we deA l with informA tion
B functions of humA n memory
C the A mount of informA tion
D the A vA ilA bility of informA tion
83. Which of the following stA tements A bout SpA rrow’s reseA rch is CORRECT? 答案: D
A We remember people A nd things A s much A s before.
B We remember more Internet connections thA n before.
C We pA y equA l A ttention to locA tion A nd content of informA tion.
D We tend to remember locA tion rA ther thA n the core of fA cts.
84. WhA t does the A uthor meA n by “context”? 答案: C
A It refers to long-term memory.
B It refers to A new situA tion.
C It refers to A store of knowledge.
D It refers to the seA rch engine.
85. WhA t is the implied messA ge of the A uthor? 答案: D
A Web connections A id our memory.
B People differ in whA t to remember.
C People keep memory on smA rt phones.
D People need to exercise their memory.
Text B
86. Why wA s the A uthor doing rounds in A hospitA l? 答案:C
A He himself wA nted to hA ve prA ctice.
B Students of A ll mA jors hA d to do so.
C It wA s pA rt of his medicA l trA ining.
D He wA s on A reseA rch teA m.
87. We leA rn thA t the A uthor’s teA m members hA d __D__.
A much prA cticA l experience
B A dequA te knowledge
C long been working there
D some professionA l deficiency
88. While the A uthor wA s exA mining Mr. A dA ms, A ll the following symptoms cA ught his A ttention EXCEPT __A __.
A moving difficulty
B steA dy temperA ture
C fA ster heA rt rA te
D breA thing problem
89. “His symptoms hA d been textbook” meA ns thA t his symptoms were _D___.
A pA rt of the textbook
B no longer in the textbook
C recently included in the textbook
D explA ined in the textbook
90. A t the end of the pA ssA ge, the A uthor expresses __B__ A bout the medicA l educA tion system.
A optimism
B hesitA tion
C concern
D support
Text C
91. WhA t does "counting" meA n in the context? 答案: A
A Continuing. B Including.
C CA lculA ting. D Relying on.
92. A ccording to the context, "Their fA ilure" refers to___B_____.
A those A dults who continue to smoke
B those stA tes thA t missed the messA ge
C findings of the report
D hA zA rds of smoking
93. The following A re A ll efforts thA t led to the chA nge of A ttitude on smoking EXCEPT___A ____.
A rejecting by the public
B cigA rette wA rning lA bels
C A nti-smoking cA mpA igns
D A nti-smoking legislA tion
94. A ccording to the A uthor, rA ising tA x on cigA rettes___B____.
A is unfA ir to the poor
B is A n effective meA sure
C increA ses public revenue
D fA ils to solve the problem
95. WhA t is the pA ssA ge mA inly A bout? 答案:D
A How to stA ge A nti-smoking cA mpA igns.
B The effects of the report on smoking A nd heA lth.
C TA x A s the surest pA th to cut smoking.
D The efforts to cut down on teenA ge smoking.
96. WhA t mA kes A ttA chment pA rents different from indulgent pA rents is thA t they 答案:B .
A . show more love to their children
B. think love is more importA nt
C. prefer both love A nd toys in pA renting
D. dislike ice creA m or sweets
97. A ccording to the A uthor, whA t should pA rents do when their kids cry? 答案: A
A . Providing comfort A nd love.
B. Trying to stop kids crying.
C. Holding them till they stop.
D. RewA rding kids with toys.
98. WhA t does “free-rA nge” meA n A ccording to the pA ssA ge? 答案: D
A . Fond of providing A home bA se.
B. ReA dy to plA y gA mes with my kids.
C. Curious to wA tch whA t gA mes they plA y.
D. Willing to give kids freedom of movement.
Text D
99. Which of the following is NOT A ttA chment pA renting? 答案:B
A . Fostering their curiosity.
B. StA nding by A nd protecting.
C. Showing them how things A re done.
D. Helping them do the right thing.
100. WhA t does the pA ssA ge mA inly discuss? 答案: C
A . How to foster love in children.
B. How to build child confidence.
C. Different types of pA renting.
D. PA rent-child relA tionships.