- 相關(guān)推薦
1. 平安夜,說平安、道平安、送平安,人生難得是平安。好好珍惜身邊的朋友吧!不論你、我、他,因為我們下輩子未必能再遇見,未必能再攜手走過一段難忘的歲月。所以珍愛、惜緣、祝福親愛的朋友時時刻刻、分分秒秒、平平安安、快快樂樂。
2. 平安夜,襪子里裝滿“好運(yùn)吉祥”;煙囪冒出“喜氣洋洋”;金鹿拉車送你“幸福甜蜜”;圣誕樹結(jié)滿“富貴平安”;“快樂天使”托我傳話給你:祝福你好人一生平安!好夢成真圓圓滿滿!
3. 追求累了歇一歇,我是你的驛站;辛苦累了停一停,我是為你加油;奔波乏了等一等,我為你療養(yǎng)。平安夜,最想告訴你,祝你平安一生,一生平安,幸福就會把我們相伴的路鋪滿。平安夜快樂。
4. 時間和鐘聲交錯的城堡里,有一個盛大而隆重的晚會盛宴,那里的人們歡悅,那里的食物誘人,那里的祝福真誠,愿你在這個美麗的平安夜快樂幸福,愿你天天年年,日日夜夜平安。
5. 有快樂在你周圍舞蹈,有幸福在你周圍歡笑,有吉祥在你頭頂照耀,有如意在你腳下圍繞,快來對著雪花說說心底的需要,一切美好都會把你擁抱。借著你的福氣我也許下最真的祝福,愿你平安夜平平安安,幸幸福福。
6. 平安夜里報平安,歡歡喜喜迎圣誕;平安夜里頌平安,好運(yùn)快樂堆成山;平安夜里送平安,真摯祝福用心傳。平安夜,祝你一生平安,一生幸福!
7. 霜凝了,風(fēng)起了,雪來了,香檳開了,火雞熟了,蘋果笑了,你樂了,平安夜的鐘聲響了,我的祝福到了,愿你平安快樂的度過生命里的每一天。
8. 秘密通知,今天晚上,請各家各戶鎖好門,關(guān)好窗,并確保煙筒通暢,圣誕老人要進(jìn)行家訪,帶著好運(yùn)、吉祥、美滿、健康,裝睡的同志請不要穿幫,襪子一定要放在床上,等待把禮物裝,平安夜快樂!
9. 月色朦朧夜朦朧,平安夜里多憧憬。憧憬江南流水長,憧憬十里稻花香。塞北大漠千里回,并駕齊驅(qū)草上飛。西邊月出東邊落,甜甜蜜蜜浸愛河。平安夜,祝你平安,祝你快樂!
10. 作息有常,身體就會平安;樂觀大度,心理就會平安;勤奮努力,事業(yè)就會平安;體貼恩愛,家庭就會平安。平安夜,祝你一切平平安安!
11. 雪夜里為你祈禱,愿你身體平安,疾病無蹤健康相伴;鐘聲里為你祝福,愿你心靈平安,拋除雜念寧靜致遠(yuǎn);短信里為你傳遞,愿你生活平安,天天快樂幸福充滿。平安夜,朋友的祝福,家人的掛牽,他們的幸福,是你的平安!
12. 平安夜里為你制造一場唯美的飄雪,綻放你的快樂;平安夜里把傳遞喜悅的鐘聲帶到你床頭,帶給你美夢;平安夜里送個蘋果到你手上,保佑你一生平安;平安夜里抒寫一道深深的問候傳達(dá)到你心坎里,愿你生活甜蜜,幸福平安!
13. 平安夜里響起悠揚(yáng)的鐘聲,那是我為你的心情營造快樂的旋律;平安夜里飄揚(yáng)美麗的白雪,那是我為你的生活祈福無限的溫馨;平安夜里送上一條短信,里面溶入了我最真摯的祝福:愿你一生平安,幸福甜蜜!祝你平安夜快樂!
14. 平安是一首詩,字里行間都是暖暖的關(guān)懷;平安是一首歌,淺吟低唱都有好運(yùn)伴隨;平安是一條短信,飛躍空間帶著濃濃的情意;平安是一種幸福,健康快樂無憂無慮的生活。平安夜,愿你擁有健康的身體,享受幸福的生活!
15. 洪福灑滿星空,那閃閃的好運(yùn),緊緊地將你擁抱;幸福蕩漾一屋,那滿滿的快樂,美美地將你包圍;文字洋溢溫馨,那暖暖的祝福,甜甜地將你環(huán)繞。平安夜,愿你快樂無憂,一生平安。
16. 平安是最暖的陽光,明媚你的心房;平安是最大的收獲,燦爛你的生活;平安是最多的快樂,陪伴你的身側(cè);平安是最美的道路,延伸你的幸福;平安是最甜的歌謠,芬芳你的微笑。平安夜,平安是最好的祝福,呵護(hù)你年年歲歲,每分每秒!
17. 平安之夜的使者,向你報一聲平安,讓這祥和的旋律,伴隨你度過今晚。
18. 圣誕樹上耀眼的彩燈,祈禱你平安一生;圣誕夜里悠揚(yáng)的鐘聲,祝福你快樂一生。
19. 喧囂繁華的熱浪退去,雪橇靜靜躺著你我的心跳,夜的呼吸和雪花一樣均勻,你的懷抱筑起我美夢的城堡,親愛的平安夜,祈禱我們健康快樂,平安和順。
20. 讓快樂駛向你的城堡,讓憂愁低頭讓道,讓好運(yùn)把你圍繞,讓生活沒有煩惱,讓幸福把你擁抱,讓噩運(yùn)統(tǒng)統(tǒng)跑掉,讓平安今夜報道,讓陽光圣誕普照,平安夜,讓快樂一路狂飆!
篇1:Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh.沖過大風(fēng)雪 他們坐在雪橇上
Over the fields we go, laughing all the way.奔馳過田野 歡笑又歌唱
Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright,鈴聲響叮當(dāng) 你的精神多歡暢
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.今晚滑雪真快樂把滑雪歌兒唱
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride在一兩天之前 我想最好外出去游蕩
And soon miss fanny bright很快就見到光明
Was seated at my side坐在我身旁
The horse was lean and lank那馬兒瘦又老
Misfortune seemed his lot它的命運(yùn)多災(zāi)難
He got into and drifted back, and we were got upset把雪橇裝進(jìn)你旁邊害的我們遭了殃
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮當(dāng) 叮叮當(dāng) 鈴兒響叮當(dāng)
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我們滑雪多快樂 我們坐在雪橇上
篇2:We wish you a Merry Christmas
we wish you a merry christmas!
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
and a happy new year!
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
and a happy new year!
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
and bring it our here.!
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
and bring it our here.!
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
so bring some out here!
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
so bring some out here!
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
and a happy new year!
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
we wish you a merry christmas,
and a happy new year!
good tidings to you, and all of your kin,
we wish you a christmas, and a happy new year!
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
and bring it our here.!
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
i’ll bring you some figgy pudding,
and bring it our here.!
good tidings to you, and all of your kin,
we wish you a christmas, and a happy new year!
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
so bring some out here!
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
we wont go until we get some,
so bring some out here!