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4.Be Willing to Take an Expanded Role in the Company
You have both a job and a role as a salesperson. Your job is to sell and make your quota. Your role is to mentor that new salesperson and be part of the team。
Your role means supporting your boss in sales meetings, not rolling your eyes and sighing when the new demands come down from corporate, and not promising clients things that your production people can't deliver. Bosses bend over backwards to keep salespeople with good attitudes and look for excuses to fire the malcontents。
5. Negotiate for Perks That Don't Cost the Company More Taxes and Benefits
Companies don't have to pay workers' compensation and FICA on an extra week of vacation, a trip or increased car or cell phone allowances. It's income to you, but not as costly in cash outlay as a raise。
6. Ask for Extra Incentives After You've Made Your Quota
That's the easiest thing for your boss to give you. Imagine getting an additional 10 percent, or even 20 percent, on everything you sell once you've made your commission. This works, because your boss has to deliver a number to his boss. Once you help deliver that number, you've got more clout and people want you to stay。
7. Make It a Winning Situation for You and Your Boss
In the scenario in the beginning of this article, the only winner would have been the salesperson. The boss didn't get increased performance. Show that you're willing to take on more responsibility. Be willing to do some of the work before you get paid to demonstrate that you deserve the increase。
Asking for a raise is just like asking for an order. Practice your presentation. Be as prepared for this meeting as you would be for a presentation to a major customer. Arm yourself with facts and figures on your performance. Position the raise as a benefit to the company. And finally, make sure your boss sees you as a winner and not a whiner。