
這些 都是你給我的愛

時間:2023-04-25 00:01:10 讀后感 我要投稿
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這些 都是你給我的愛

  都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些    It is a story about love journey and grow up The bunny boy went on a journey after a heart broken from last relationship and tried to look for a blooming tree During the journey He made new friends and found new meaning to life and love ——《這些 都是你給我的愛》   有些歌 聽一百零一遍還是最初的百感交集 有些話 看一千零一遍還是最終的百轉千回   拉上窗簾 開盞臺燈  一個人坐在書桌前 安安靜靜把這本書從頭至尾看了一遍 跟著安東尼從失戀開始,踏上旅途,廣闊天地尋找一顆開滿花的樹, 認識新的朋友,滿載對人生與愛的新體會回來。    都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些    My mind is clear. No matter what happens, I will always walk towards you, unwavering, unhurried, and unhesitant. When you show up, it seems only you and me left in the whole world. You left me alone in my memory. Everyone has a story...finally I felt that I had to start my journey.   Spring tickles your nose.讓鼻子發(fā)癢的是春天 Summer whooshes through your sleeves.風從袖中過的是夏天 The sky stands high in the fall.天空凜然聳立的是秋天 By the time we realize, most of the winter has passed.等到發(fā)覺的時候  冬天已經過去了大半   If the person you like doesnt like you, wouldnt it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you? 如果你喜歡的人  不喜歡你  那么就算全世界的人都喜歡你  還是會覺得很孤獨吧   If you cant find it, dont be too sad. We cant always have what we want...its just life. 它說:“如果  找不到也不要太  難過……嗯……想得到的東西不一定都會得到……嗯……人生也不過如此” When you really really like someone, its easy to think too much, say stupid things and do silly stuff. We will all grow old with the passing of each day, and die. Isnt that great? Dont walk too slowly, the flower will wilt; but dont walk too fast either, then the flowers wont be blossoming yet. “不要走得太慢  花會凋謝的  也不要走得太快  那樣  花還沒有開”   都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些    Everybody is looking for something. Looking for a job, looking for a place to stay, looking for love, looking for a piece of memory, or looking for a dream. Some people are looking for someone else, and some are looking for themselves. Some are looking, but they cant even tell what they are looking for.   城市里的人都在找東西 找工作  找住處  找戀人 找一段記憶  找一個夢 有一些在找另外一個人  還有一些在找自己 有一些人在找東西  但是他們也說不清自己在找什么   都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些    I dont know how to love you. Looking at you is the only way I know. 不知道  如何愛你  看著你  是我唯一的方式   Areloveandlikesynonyms? If you love a flower, youll water it; if you like a flower, you pick it. 愛和喜歡是同義詞么 不過  愛一朵花就為她澆水  喜歡一朵花就把她摘下來   What aboutlikeand hate, are they antonyms? If you like a flower, you pick it. If you hate a flower, you still pick it. 喜歡和討厭是反義詞么 喜歡一朵花就把她摘下來  討厭一朵花也會把她摘下來   都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些    I want to travel to the past, and hold you tightly. 想回到過去  將你緊緊抱緊 緊緊抱緊   After all, everyone is simple and normal. Everyone is kind, a little silly, afraid of being lonely, play a few tricks here and there, hoping that others treat them nicely, but too lazy to give at the same time. 其實大家都是普通人  都挺善良的  也都傻  怕寂寞  有的時候耍一些小聰明  都希望別人對自己好一點  可是又懶得付出   The so-called life, all depends on who you meet 所謂人生  便是取決于  遇見誰   Those that I have claimed that liked a lot, those that I have claimed waiting to spend my life with, did I put my heart into treating them? Will they haved died, or lost hope in me while I was doing someting unimportant and forgotten them? 那些我本來說好  我很喜歡很喜歡的人 那些我告訴他們我想和他們一輩子的人 我真的用心對待了么 會不會  就在我做別的不重要的事情的時候  把他們忘記的時候 他們已經死了  或者說  對我  死心了呢   Dont let the person that loves you cry heartbrokenly. There is only one chance that you can hurt them so deep. After that, you can go from the irreplaceable one to the interchangeable one. Even if they still love you, there is something, something real, which has changed. 不要讓那個喜歡你的人  撕心裂肺地位你哭那么一次 因為  你能把他傷害到  那個樣子的機會  只有一次  那一次之后  你就從  不可或缺的人  變成  可有可無的人了  即使他  還愛你  可是  總有一些  真的 東西改變了   Suddenly remembering you is not a good feeling. But I still treasure every chance that I have to create a memory with you. 忽然  想起你的  感覺  也許并不好受  可是  我仍珍惜  和你一起的時候  每一次  能制造“紀念”的  機會   都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些    While we are yong, we should create things with loved ones that are warmer than summer. 應該  趁著  年輕  和喜歡的人一起  制造些  比夏天還要溫暖的事   Those of you who have been silly with me, have left marks on me. Should I press forward until I find you again? Or turn around with a smile, become wiser from now on? 那些  陪我一起傻過的人  你們在我身上  留下了什么 我要不要死心塌地地找回你  還是微笑后堅定地轉身  從此變得聰明   The distance between the me from before and the me right now, is filled with all sorts of little things. All of them, are the love youve ginven me. 之前那個我  和現在的我之間的距離  被許多細小瑣碎的事填充著  這些都是  你給我的  愛吧。                         我想我唯一能做的就是  繼承那些  你擁有的讓我著迷的品質  好好地生活下去             我唯一想做的事,就是 把這本書,送給你。 把這句話,留給自己。   都是你給我的愛 TITLE=[讀后感&摘記]這些 

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